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Aug 02, 2017

Meet Luiza from Brazil

Eighth grader Luiza is deciding between a career as a doctor or a lawyer. At EXPLO, she’s taking courses that will help prepare her for both paths.

Casey Kim

Eighth grader Luiza is deciding between a career as a doctor or a lawyer. At EXPLO, she’s taking courses that will help prepare her for both paths.

I have this dilemma of being either a doctor or a lawyer. That’s why I’m in Medical Careers and Mock Trial here. I think as a doctor saving people’s lives is amazing; you just act on the scene, you don’t plan it, you don't ever know what's going to happen. And I want to be a lawyer because I like to change people's minds and get them to agree with me. I really believe that anything is possible if you just try. Sometimes my friends think it’s impossible for them to get into a good school like Harvard, but I always say if you work hard, you can do anything you want.

I’m definitely learning what I need for the future here. In Mock Trial we’re learning about all the parts that could exist in a trial, not only being a lawyer but a witness, a judge, a jury. And it’s not just like other debate courses where we’re arguing our perspective — we try to prove the other person’s perspective and see from different sides. Medical Careers is awesome because instead of just writing and talking, we have activities like suturing, dissection, clinic and emergency simulations, so it really prepares us. I don’t think we could get such an intensive experience that you actually have fun at anywhere else. EXPLO is definitely leading me closer to knowing what I want to do and who I want to be.

Casey Kim