Annie loves to draw. She also really loves her Medical Careers Course here at EXPLO. Read more to find out how those two worlds collide for her.
This is your second day at EXPLO — What are your first impressions of being here?
It's really awesome! I'm loving all of the independence that I'm getting. It really shows that the people at EXPLO trust me to take responsibility for myself. And I'm loving the classes. I haven't decided [what I want to be] yet — doctor or artist. I'm kind of debating, career-wise; but I get to try both here, which is cool.
Tell me about you as an artist.
I'm a big artist at home. I like to draw — I have these pens I use. I'm kind of experimenting with painting right now, so I took a painting elective as a chance to branch out. Today we worked with watercolors. I really like it! I think I will keep painting.

What is something cool that you got to experience today?
I'm taking Medical Careers, which is really fun because I get so much hands-on experience. Today, for example, we designed some systems that would prevent blood clotting, and then we actually got to test it out on this blood clotting machine! It was really cool. We also got to practice placing an IV in a fake rubber arm!
Savannah Norris