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Jul 20, 2017 Exploration Programs Conversation Academics

Meet Lukas from New York

After finding the A/V Club at EXPLO, Lukas has rediscovered his passion for audio/visual production and is considering a future in this field.

Casey Kim

After finding the A/V Club at EXPLO, eighth grader Lukas has rediscovered his passion for audio/visual production. He’s even considering a future in this field, something he never imagined before.

The A/V Club is the best decision I made. It’s a lot of sound audio stuff that I always wanted to know about. It’s very cool because I like to play around with music and I used to do some mixing with soundboards and launch pads. When I was younger I used to make my own music on my MacBook and I ended up getting Fruity Loop Studio, a music-making software kind of like GarageBand but a bit more advanced. It was a passion that I stopped as of late, but I think this might actually get me back into it.

I didn't really know any of the complicated stuff, like what happens backstage. It was always this mythical land of wires to me. Now I know how the curtains go up and down — which is a lot more complicated than you’d think — and I learned how the soundboards and the light boards work and about the amplifiers and all the systems used backstage to make sure all the mics are working. The mics only take sound from the top so you have to speak directly into it, and you need someone at the amplifier board that can control the sound.

I definitely see working in A/V as a possibility now, one that I never saw, but it’s something that really interests me. I think I’d probably go more to the visual side, just because I like playing around with that a lot. You control the lights, you control what everyone sees, and I find it a very cool job, being behind the scenes.

Casey Kim