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Jul 23, 2016 Exploration Programs Conversation

Meet Harrison from Florida

Harrison from Florida talks about science

Ally Marcino

Harrison loves science and hopes to grow up to be a doctor. Good thing for him, Explo offers a variety of science courses that, as he's discovered, allow him to do some pretty cool things!

I either want to be a psychologist or a doctor, but I’m not sure. I could be a pediatrician! I just like helping people and I really like science. At home, I’m on my student council and we do a lot of community service. We go to different schools and give them backpacks, there’s a local soup kitchen that we always go to, and there’s one place we go to where we make sandwiches for the homeless. My favorite is setting up all the different things at my school though, like all the dances and events. It’s just fun! We get to put up the decorations and you get to pick the themes. It’s nice to have control over something so cool!

My classes here at Explo really help me explore my interests. Like I said earlier, I love science. So in Chemistry, we’re doing a bunch of experiments that I like. We made crystals today and then we made something called oobleck. It’s a non-Newtonian fluid, so basically if you add too much force, it acts like a solid and won’t move at all. But if you touch it slowly, it acts like a liquid and will move around your hand.

What sets Explo apart though is the staff. They’re all really supportive and just really nice people overall. They are all young and relatable and can understand our generation a little better than someone who is older.

Ally Marcino