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Jun 28, 2021

Meet Orly: Returning EXPLO Student

Meet Orly: A returning EXPLO Grades 8-10 Student. This is her 5th summer, and it is sure to be her best summer yet. Read more to learn about her first day.

Savannah Norris

This is Orly's fifth summer at EXPLO, and she's jumping right back in. Read more to find out what the start of this summer looks like for her.

How has your first day at EXPLO been going?

It's been great! I had cinema studies today, and we looked at this five-minute stop-motion film. We learned how to analyze film and take apart what makes it good. There's a lot that goes into even a five-minute film — lighting, the set, emotion, the angle perspective. I'm really interested in film. Maybe I will write a paper about a film one day in college or in the newspaper.

It all starts at EXPLO. My first summer, I took a sustainable engineering course, and then a few years after that I joined a climate organization. Maybe I will do something with film or journalism too.

What are you up to now?

Right now we are in Clubs, Leagues, and Activities. And I decided I was going to go to the Phineas and Ferb club. It's such a great show. We're making little fun inventions and creations just like they do. So, I'm making little people with pipe cleaners. I gave mine little legs and little eyes. It's really cute. And we're playing the Phineas and Ferb soundtrack, which adds to the vibe.

What has been your favorite thing about today (so far)?

The dining hall makes really, really great food. I had french toast, and there were some baked goods. I don't know exactly what they were, I think it was coffee cake. I don't know. But that was really good. And there was a donut — like, a tiny little fried donut. I also had some yogurt and some fruit.

What's the best part about EXPLO?

The people you meet make EXPLO really special. I mean, I cry every single time at the end of EXPLO because you make so many great friendships and it's sad to leave. It's only three weeks, but you become best friends with all of these people.


Savannah Norris