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Jul 09, 2017 Student Life

Meet Nikos from Greece

Nikos may seem like the unofficial tourism ambassador for Greece, but this eighth-grader just wants to share his love of his home country with the world.

Casey Kim

Nikos may seem like the unofficial tourism ambassador for Greece, but this eighth-grader just wants to share his love of his home country — and life's simple pleasures — with the world. 

In Greece we don't have that many crazy stuff; at EXPLO we can go to many different places like zoos, Boda Borg, adventure parks. Here we have Debate, Running a Business, soccer. I want to be a soccer player or a businessman in the future. Maybe I want to run my father’s business. He sells pipes for houses, malls, everything. The mall in Greece has my dad’s pipes. Even though the Greek economy is bad, it’s a good business. The biggest hope I have is to run a company, but you never know.

I definitely want to stay in Greece and work there. Here in America people are so stressed. In Greece, you enjoy your life, even though people are not that rich as in America. There’s many differences. I eat breakfast at 12:00 p.m., lunch at 5:00 p.m., and dinner at 10:00 p.m. Greek people go to sleep much later. The food is also very fresh in Greece. Please, tourists, come to Greece! Go to our islands; we have very nice islands, very nice artifacts, and Greek people are very nice people. They’re loud but you'll come to like them. So please come.

Casey Kim