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Jul 08, 2017 Student Life

Meet Laura from Brazil

Laura loves her home country of Brazil, but she is excited to be at EXPLO in the U.S., where there are so many different cultures and people.

Casey Kim

Laura loves her home country of Brazil, but she is excited to be at EXPLO in the U.S., where there are so many different cultures and people.

In Brazil the beaches are nice, and I love the food. Manchaca is so good and it’s a cultural food that started many years ago. And we eat this thing called farofa, which you can put things like carrots and sometimes bacon in, and it’s all mixed up. Brazilian food is the best. The food here is really good too; I love the pasta!

The U.S. is different from Brazil in some terms, like people are maybe not as friendly right away. People in Brazil don't take that long to socialize, but here some Americans are not so open before we get to know them. Because when we see a Brazilian, we would already be like friends, before we even meet them. But I don’t wish EXPLO was more like Brazil, because I’m from there and I don't go to many places and make many friends like here. I prefer here because I can meet different people. I want to practice my English and learn new stuff and meet new people. In the future I would like to be in the U.S. or in England, because these places have many different cultures.

Casey Kim