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Jul 11, 2017

Meet Evelyn from Georgia

Evelyn is thirteen years old and for as long as she can remember she has always wanted to become a member of the FBI.

Fidelia Randmäe

Evelyn is 13 years old and for as long as she can remember she has always wanted to become a member of the FBI. She's trying her hand at fingerprinting, profiling, and other sleuthing techniques in Criminal Investigations. 

I really like the courses that I’m doing here. I’m taking Criminal Investigations and today we went to the Wellesley Police Station. We got to talk to the officers and tried a lot of interesting things, like taking fingerprints, doing a drug test, using special goggles, unlocking a door.

I want to work in the FBI when I’m older. I would like to be a profiler. This means that, for example, if someone has a wedding ring tan, you can tell that they have worn a wedding ring but for some reason they’re not wearing it at the time — so you might think that person was married but they got divorced. Profiling is kind of like learning about people and trying to gather information about them just by observing them.

I’ve always wanted to work in the FBI because I want to work with people and I feel like you get to do that in the FBI. I watch a lot of crime shows — I like the mystery of them. You never know what’s going to happen. I think about it almost as a kind of practice because I try to profile the criminal in the show before they’re actually revealed, trying to solve the mystery before they do in the show, and that’s fun.

This is my first time at EXPLO. At first I was a little bit nervous, but I’ve made a lot of friends here that I know I’m going to be friends with for the rest of my life. I really like the diversity of EXPLO. That's something I didn’t have in my life before, but now I have a lot of friends from all over the world, from South Korea and Uruguay.

I’ve definitely accomplished being able to leave home for a long time and feel very comfortable. I was really really scared to leave because I’ve never left home for more than a week. Now I’ve left home for three weeks, I went all across the country, and I feel really good knowing that I’m able to do that.

Fidelia Randmäe