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Jun 29, 2021 Session One

Meet Aaron: Eager First-Year EXPLO Student

A conversation with Aaron, a first-year EXPLO student with interests ranging from fictional criminal psychology to medical careers to tennis.

Victoria Lyons

It's hard to believe Aaron only just arrived at EXPLO on Sunday when you hear about all he's been up to since he stepped foot on the Sarah Lawrence campus. This summer, Aaron will be taking advantage of the wide array of courses and electives that EXPLO offers, signing up for everything from Fictional Criminal Psychology and International Law + Diplomacy to Medical Careers and Tennis. A first-year student, Aaron is especially excited that EXPLO allows students to take risks and try new things.

What have you been up to so far today?

Today was my first day of courses at EXPLO, and it did not disappoint! After breakfast, I went to Fictional Criminal Psychology. We learned about personality tests, and then we all chose a villain to psychoanalyze later in the week. I chose Madeline Wuntch from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Then, after lunch, we had Clubs, Leagues, and Activities, and I chose to be part of the Explosé – I’m going to be singing “Don’t Stop Believin’” as a duet.

Why did you want to come to EXPLO this summer?

I wanted to come to EXPLO because I wanted to experience something different. EXPLO was recommended to me in the past by friends who have gone here, and they all really seemed to enjoy it. I decided to see what all the hype was about, and I think it definitely lives up to the hype!

Coming to EXPLO was also a step outside of my comfort zone. This is my first year at a sleepaway program, and I was nervous, but as soon as I got here, it was totally fine – everyone’s really nice, and they know how to have a good time!

What is something that you're passionate about?

I’m passionate about reading because I feel like it’s a good way to learn more about any given subject or to explore a different world. I actually feel like reading is a lot like EXPLO – it gives you a chance to explore something that you might not have explored before.

Victoria Lyons