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Jul 16, 2018 EXPLO Pre-College + Career

Meet Jonathan from Massachusetts

A former EXPLO at Wellesley day student, Jonathan is learning a lot about how to navigate the world as a young adult as a residential student on the Yale campus.

Marie-Simone Kadurira

A former EXPLO at Wellesley day student, Jonathan is learning a lot about how to navigate the world as a young adult as a residential student on the Yale campus. 

I started my EXPLO journey at the Wellesley campus and it was just wonderful. I learned so much and I was exposed to so many things. I was a day student while I was there, and I wanted to try the residential setting, so that's how I ended up here.

Both experiences were great, but you definitely learn different things from each. Being a residential student this summer has taught me great people skills, because when you live in close proximity with so many people, you cannot enter the room with an air of intolerance — it just won't work. You have to hear everyone out and come to a compromise in which everyone is happy. I have also learned great budgeting skills! Because I was not going home every night, I had to be conscientious about what I spent and when, and I had to look out for myself. So on some days I knew I would miss breakfast, but I had to be ready for some of my money to go towards buying myself some food to eat in the mornings.

The classes I am taking here have also been so revolutionary. In  Psychopathology, there is so much we cover everyday in a class that I leave everyday feeling like I know so much more about the world. I hope to go into Psychology and Neuroscience. I was really inspired by the talk we had by Skip Rizzo. He really opened my eyes to the power that VR can have when it comes to treating people with mental health issues. The talk was really cool and I hope by the time I am in the industry the technology will have developed to a point where we can make a real difference in the world.

Marie-Simone Kadurira