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Jul 06, 2018 EXPLO Pre-College + Career

Meet Amalia from Pennsylvania

Amalia is pursuing her interest in Foreign Affairs this summer as she continues to explore careers that will help her serve others.

Sige Zheng

Amalia is pursuing her interest in Foreign Affairs this summer as she continues to explore careers that will help her serve others. 

I'm interested in Foreign Affairs because this year in my history class we started to study more about how globalization would affect life and how past events have shaped the world we live in today. It made me really interested in humanities and now I want to pursue my interests in people and communication. I'm not 100 percent sure what I want to do in the future yet. But hearing the speaker that we had on the first day of class was just amazing. The speaker is a civil affairs specialist with a background in social work for the U.S. Army. He goes to countries in the grey area and helps the civilians there with their living situations and education. It inspired me even more in my will to help people.

I remember the moment that triggered me to want to help people. There was this person at my church. He spoke to all of us, asking: "Have you spoken to anyone who's eternally ill or dying? Do you know what they care about? They don't care about money or cars, but they care about people. Why do you need to wait until you are eternally ill or dying to care about people?" That made a lot of sense to me. I think everything you do has an impact on someone else's life. You do what you can do help other people. It's not about changing the world, it's about changing the life of one person.

Sige Zheng