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Jun 30, 2018 Conversation EXPLO Pre-College + Career

Meet Bua from Thailand

Bua is a student from Thailand who's interested in computer technology and art. At EXPLO, she's found a way to put her interests together — and in the process has met new friends who share her excitement for both subjects.

Sige Zheng

Bua is a student from Thailand who's interested in computer technology and art. At EXPLO, she's found a way to put her interests together — and in the process has met new friends who share her excitement for both subjects.

I'm taking Computer Programming + Processing and Animation for Game Design courses here at EXPLO. I've done art and programming before but never together. Here I want to find a way to bring the two together. I really enjoy the animation course. In the course, I can see how animation in movies I watch is created and put together, how much work has really gone into it, how every detail is taken care of, and I really appreciate it more. We are using a processing program in my computer course. It's different from the programming programs I've used before because it's more focused on design. It makes it easier to make art, simplifies the technical process, and allows you to express your ideas in a digital way.

One thing I think I should have done more in the past is to talk more and spend more time with friends. I think they are important because they are there when you need them and you are there when they need you. I mainly came to EXPLO to learn more in new courses. I figured that when you do the same courses, you meet like-minded people. It's much more interesting and you find you are not alone in your interest. I found some new people that I might not approach otherwise. So for the next two weeks in EXPLO, I want to get to know more new people.

Sige Zheng