Tyler, a rising junior, was inspired and awed by guest speaker Steven Africk — a renowned physicist who is a leader in the field of acoustic physics and is Principal Consultant for Acentech. Africk's insight has reinforced Tyler's curiosity of reality and the unknown.
I love the philosophy of physics class I’m taking, and I love mixing philosophy and the sciences and figuring out what everything means as an observer — as a human. Having Steven Africk talk to our class, though, was just so different. He really informed the physics side of my interest. He talked about things I had never heard of before and things that corroborated what I may have heard about other topics. He truly informed and changed my ideas and perspectives.
Getting to hear from someone who clearly has a lot of experience, more than anyone else’s material I’ve read online, was really cool. I really find things like string theory and quantum entanglement and the implications those things have on our universe all really compelling. I just like thinking about how we can break our own reality.
I love science and all the knowledge behind it. But I love thinking about our world as much as I love thinking about other worlds. I’m also taking creative writing here. I like exploring reality and what’s possible within different realities. Ideally I want to go into engineering or physics — something where I’m doing good for humanity — and also be able to write on the side and maybe one day have my own book or comic.
Sabrina Polin