Despite having traveled all over the world, EXPLO is still Lizzie's favorite spot for cultural diversity. In her fifth year, she wants to take in as much as she can and make new connections.
I’ve lived in three different countries during my life — the U.S., Northern Ireland, and Australia — but I think EXPLO is a lot better than those experiences abroad. It’s not just one culture I’m infiltrating here, but rather I’m surrounded by all different cultures and constantly learning new things. It’s just amazing. I love it especially when we have debates here; it’s interesting to see what different people think about certain issues or topics based on their culture or background.
I’m taking International Relations, which gives me exposure to this concept, but it’s really everywhere at EXPLO. Recently in my genetic engineering class, we had a debate about GMOs and it was so interesting to see what people from other countries thought about them. There are just so many different beliefs here.
I’m also infatuated with other languages, and here, there are so many being spoken at any given moment. I’m learning French right now, and even though I’m not fluent yet, I practice by talking with the French-speaking students. Really, I just want to come away from this experience by meeting as many new people as I can.
Sabrina Polin