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Jul 19, 2018 EXPLO Pre-College + Career

Meet Jojo from New York

What makes EXPLO different? According to Jojo, you get to let your true self shine through — whether it's making lifelong friendships or learning about improvisational acting.

Sige Zheng

What makes EXPLO different? According to Jojo, you get to let your true self shine through — whether it's making lifelong friendships or learning about improvisational acting. 

I went on the Six Flags trip today. It was really fun. We rode a lot of rides and there weren't a lot of people there. There are a lot of people on the trip, so it was really nice to enjoy my time with my friends and make new ones. I'm also going on the Blue Man Group trip tomorrow. I've never had a chance to see them so I'm really excited.

It's really nice to make friends here at EXPLO. I just kind of go up to people and say hi and start a conversation — reach out and make new friends. It's different from making friends at school. At school, you are going to know these people for a year or longer, so you want to make really good impression on them. But at EXPLO it's easier. You only know these people for three weeks and you want to build long lasting friendships. So you just get to be more of yourself.

I really like my Improvisational Acting class here. I get to be in more of a community in the class. It's fun in the way that we interact a lot in the class. Everyone in the class is friendly and kind. It's really inclusive. Being in the class, you just kind of be yourself and let yourself shine through more. The acting part helps you build different characters and find ways to make people laugh and be entertained.

Sige Zheng