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Jul 18, 2018 EXPLO Pre-College + Career

Meet Oriane from France

Photographer Oriane has always had a passion for theatre, but has discovered a deeper interest in directing since coming to EXPLO.

Sige Zheng

Photographer Oriane has always had a passion for theatre, but has discovered a deeper interest in directing since coming to EXPLO. 

Courses here at EXPLO have been really interesting for me. I learn a lot of new things and we make progress everyday. I'm taking Philosophy and Acting + Directing here. My favorite class is Acting + Directing. I've always had great passion for theatre and I get to experience it more over here. Acting is fun, but I like directing better. In acting you just do your job and it's very simple — do your role and understanding the interactions with others. But as a director, I get to look at the whole picture and and consider many things, such as the placement and the moves actors are taking.

In Philosophy, my favorite part is that we can talk about a lot of subjects and they are never the same. People have different opinions and that is really cool — to listen, to talk, and to learn. The most interesting topic we've talked about for me is the right of having feelings. It was a bit strange to think about it at the beginning, but we related it to science fiction and it was cool. There are some topics we talk about that we've thought about before and some that I've not. We also talked about photography and whether the photos are better paintings or not. As a photographer it's really interesting to think about that.

Sige Zheng