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Aug 08, 2014 Exploration Programs Conversation

Explo at Yale: Cata from Colombia

Cata is 15 and is enjoying her first summer at Explo at Yale. Looking for a movie recommendation? Look no further. Cata knows lots about movies, traveling, and ...

Sita Fidler

Cata is 15 and is enjoying her first summer at Explo at Yale. Looking for a movie recommendation? Look no further. Cata knows lots about movies, traveling, and salsa dancing.

Cata, what classes are you taking here at Explo?
I’m taking Film Studies with Wilson and Acting + Directing with Anne.

What have you been working on in Film Studies?
We have watched a lot of trailers and studied them. We’ve learned to make movie predictions about the price and success of films. We’ve learned how to figure out how a movie is divided, how they are made. I’m really interested in movies, not exactly as a movie critic but I really like studying the film industry. Like film making, editing, acting, producing, all those sorts of things.

What do you think of the staff?
Wilson is a good teacher, I really like him. He knows a lot about film. He has a lot of experience so of course he has lots to teach us.

That’s great to hear. What is your favorite movie?
Oh so many movies! I’ll say maybe the Truman Show. I love Slumdog Millionaire. I love everything about it, it’s so good.

The classes, the campus, the events are really amazing, but the people make it number one.

What has Anne taught you in Acting + Directing?
A lot of acting exercises. First we did a monologue and now we are working on scenes with about three or four people. One person directs, and the other people are actors. I really like acting. I want to try directing a little because I have no idea what it’s like — but I really love acting. I have had classes in acting before, not in school. I have done about 1-2 years, but just in small classes.

What has been your favorite weekend trip this summer?
I’ll say rafting. It was so fun! I went to two Broadway shows, which was amazing, but rafting you move and do exercise and have adrenaline. I’ve done rafting before, but rafting here was so fun. Of course I’ll do it again.

Have you started thinking about college?
I want to study in the U.S., but I think I want to live in Colombia. I love it there and will want to go back. Coming here gives me an idea of what it will be like to go to college. It’s a summer program here so it’s different. Now I have an idea but I’m not living it.

What have you enjoyed most about coming here for your first time?
I like to do something new all the time and try out different things. I like to go to different countries and do different countries. I loved it here and it’s possible that I’ll be back!

How has Explo helped you grow as a person?
I have learned so much more about different countries and I really like that. Now I can understand them more. I think that is how I’ve grown.

What was your favorite Main Event on campus?
I really laughed at the salsa class that Juan Felipe taught. All the Colombians went and we had just so much fun. We love to dance. I loved Club Night too, it was only two hours and I wanted it to last forever.

What is something you’re really passionate about?
To travel. I love to travel. I love to go to different countries. When I travel, I don’t go to just the mall or the beach. I am walking everywhere all day long and I’m exhausted. But it’s so cool. My favorite place to go . . . I really loved Patagonia, that was so fun. Hawaii also was incredible, it’s so different! Maybe Switzerland because I went last year with my friends on an exchange. We did like fifteen days of traveling and vacation. We went to all the different cities and stayed with home stay families.

What will you miss the most when you leave?
The people. Of course the people. The classes, the campus, the events are really amazing, but the people make it number one.

Sita Fidler