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Jul 25, 2018 Experts + Partners EXPLO Pre-College + Career

CORE Day: Dan Lerner

Keynote Speaker Dan Lerner, Professor of NYU’s most popular elective, “Science of Happiness,” talks to students during CORE Day. Dan's work focuses on helping people become the best version in themselves. In his talk today, he explains the difference between obsessive passion, which can be detrimental in the long run, and harmonious passion, which is an essential tool in navigating life in the healthiest way possible.

Marie-Simone Kadurira

Keynote Speaker Dan LernerProfessor of NYU’s most popular elective, “Science of Happiness,” talks to students during CORE Day. Dan's work focuses on helping people become the best version in themselves. In his talk today, he explains the difference between obsessive passion, which can be detrimental in the long run, and harmonious passion, which is an essential tool in navigating life in the healthiest way possible.

Marie-Simone Kadurira