A Quiet Revolutionary

Written by Lauren Frazier | September 24, 2015

In an age of transparency, globalization, and endless multitasking, introverts are often sorely overlooked. Together with her team of revolutionaries, author Susan Cain is changing how introverts are perceived, and how they themselves experience the world. Her website, Quiet Revolution, aims to transform how we see introversion, one powerfully quiet person at a time.

Susan Cain, breakout author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, has launched a living and breathing community devoted to the introvert. The website, Quiet Revolution, is a hub for a variety of interesting articles, videos, and online diaries, all centered around what it means to live as an introvert—or to parent one, or to teach one—in society today.

Susan Cain’s TED Talk is still one of the most-watched of all time. Watch to understand why so many leaders across a range of industries count this talk among the very best they’ve seen.

With sections for “revolutionaries” (introverted individuals who share their stories of quiet), kids, work, and life, Cain and her team cover a range dimensions on living harmoniously as, or with, an introvert. Whether it’s overcoming a fear of public speaking, or learning how best to parent your sensitive (orchid) child, Quiet Revolution has you covered.