Preparing for the College Transition: Advice from the Empty Nest

Written by Lauren Frazier | August 25, 2015

Any parent preparing for, living through, or starting to experience the “empty nest” phase of life, as one or more children leave for college, should read the parenting blog Grown and Flown. Covering a range of topics on raising kids in the later teen and young adult years, the blog is an excellent place to find support, advice, and humor as you—and your children—make this momentous transition.

Founded and maintained by writers Mary Dell Harrington and Lisa Heffernan (who have had work featured in the New York Times Motherlode, the Washington Post on Parenting, and the Atlantic,), Grown and Flown is a conversation destination for parents raising kids between the ages of 15 and 25. The career journalists, also mothers themselves, write weekly about relevant issues in high school, social media, college, midlife, success in college, and more.

If you are wondering what it will be like when one or all of your kids call another place home (even if that place is a dorm room), then this conversation is for you.

Infused with honesty, humor, and heart-on-the-sleeve emotion, Harrington and Heffernan swap anecdotes, support strategies, and practical advice in weekly columns on a range of topics from the super practical to the highly sensitive. Recent titles include, Last Call for Senior Year,College Move-In Day,The Good, the Bad, and the OMG of College Admissions, and Dear Mom of High School Freshman.

The duo also has guest authors post to the blog, including college professors, recent college graduates, and independent college admission counselors who each offer niche guidance to parents and students. Check out this piece by college counselor Lacy Crawford for a sense of what’s available. If you like what you see, subscribe to the weekly newsletter for built-in support during this challenging and wonderful time.