Weekly Edventure #7: Taking Chances

Written by Stephanie LaMont + Adam French | May 15, 2018

Richard Light, distinguished professor at Harvard University, author of Making the Most of College, and founder of How To Live Wisely — a program that aims to strengthen student experiences on undergraduate campuses — discusses how taking chances helps one develop healthy habits of mind and being.

Light reminds us that encouraging elementary and middle schoolers to strike a balance between trying new things and taking new risks is just as important as encouraging adults, deep-seeded in routine, to do the same. For Light, that’s playing basketball every week with his colleagues and friends.

What’s better than knowing — at any age — that you should still be asking yourself, “why not give it a try?”

I think instilling that simple idea — in a nine-, eleven-, or twelve-year-old — which is "Give it a try! And you know, if you are no good at it, it’s not the end of the world. This is not a test." is so great. I think that instills habits of healthy mind and life, and I really think that is a wonderful thing.



At EXPLO, we encourage the pursuit of lifelong learning — which means we are constantly doing our own studying up, reading on, or relearning the concepts that we teach throughout the summer. Here are some really interesting (and some just fun) links that we've been recently reading on taking chances.


EXPLO's curriculum is built around experiences — in an environment where in-class investigations are just as important as out-of-class explorations.

At EXPLO, showing without telling takes many shapes, forms, exercises, and events. Just a few EXPLO experiences that encourage students to take chances at EXPLO include: 

  • Course: In Economics + Ethics of the Stock Market,track actual stock activity as you learn how interest rates, rates of return, stock dividends, and labor markets affect risk-analysis (grades 8+9)
  • Workshop: With hundreds of different techniques to help manage stress, including yoga,  biofeedback, and tai chi, learn how to keep your mind and body healthy in Stress Management Techniques (grades 10-12)
  • Clubs, Leagues + Activities: Have you ever spear-headed your own club? We love to see students trying something new —and just as much, we love when students bring something new to campus. This summer, start a club for students to join during independent time. (grades 8+910-12
  • Workshop: Brave the slopes around Peacock Pond as you navigate the physics of momentum and velocity in Street Luge (grades  4-7)
  • Main Event: Find the courage to stand up for what you believe in at Take a Stand Night — an annual Main Event where more than 200 students come together to talk about the anti-bullying (grades 8+9)
  • Weekend Trip: On the weekend, head over to Parkour, where you'll test your bravery with leaps and bounds over "skyscrapers" and under tunnels —  after walking away with a little more confidence than when you came (grades 4-7)
  • Course:  When you explore the psychology behind the foundations of fear, you’ll be able to better understand how to overcome it. Learn about the biological and chemical reasoning of panic in Science of Fear.

This is all part of the EXPLO curriculum, where students come for a transformative summer camp experience.

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