Meet Maya: Future Boxing Star

Written by Gelsey White | August 02, 2017

For seventh-grader Maya, her love of boxing is a shared connection with her father. At EXPLO, she has been able to share her favorite sport with her summer family.

EXPLO is a good mix of learning and being physically active. I was really excited about the kickboxing activity because I do boxing at home. It felt nice to do something familiar, and it was fun because I got to share it with some of my friends here.

At home, I do boxing to train and work out. About a year and a half ago, I got injured; but I love to play sports, so my dad — who also does boxing — took me to one of his lessons. Ever since then I’ve been taking lessons every week. For me, it’s a way to stay active and to release any negative feelings. It helps calm me down.

Sometimes I train with my dad when my trainer can’t make it. If my form is off, he’ll help me fix it. He motivates me when I’m doing sit-ups or push-ups. My dad also helps me out in my everyday life. If I’m having trouble in school he always says, “just keep your head up. Stay strong.” Boxing helps me stay strong; it gives me a sense of discipline and focus and lets me channel my emotions. My dad and I have a lot in common, and my whole family loves sports. My family is everything to me, it’s who I am.

I was really intrigued by the different types of activities at EXPLO, but also about the different kinds of people. EXPLO is like a family to me; I’m so close to all the girls on my floor. EXPLO is a really positive community to be in. When I first moved in both my parents came and helped me unpack my stuff. My dad repeated his favorite bit of advice to me right before leaving: “Stay strong. I love you.”