Meet Gabriel: Everyday Hero

Written by Stephanie LaMont | July 09, 2016

Gabriel is a returning Ambassador to EXPLO. Found reading The Hobbit, Gabriel discusses how a hero's journey is anyone's game.

Right now, I am reading The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. He definitely wrote in my favorite genre of fantasy — the one that's genuine and relatable to the real world. It helps explain some of the problems in society that we have. For example, when Saurumon destroys the forest, according to J.R.R Tolkien, it's supposed to represent the destruction of the British force during the Age of Exploration. A lot of England’s forests were destroyed to aid in building a massive Navy at the time. These historical references in fantasy always intrigue me the most.

Lord of the Rings is definitely a hero’s journey. But you wouldn’t expect it initially because Bilbo doesn’t seem like a hero in the way we understand that character type. This is because Bilbo Baggins is so normal and ordinary. His innocence makes it impossible for him to use the ring in a negative way. Ordinary characters often make up extraordinary heroes.

There are many ways to be an everyday hero. Here at EXPLO, there are so many things to do. You could teach other students how to play wall ball at the “Beginner” wall ball court. If you see someone who is trying to get an idea across in class, you can make sure other people are going to listen to them. If you see someone who is sitting alone at quad time, you can approach them and ask if they would like to play a game. Just going out of your way to be nice to someone.

I know it sounds rehearsed, but it’s true. Going out of your way to be nice to someone is an everyday hero. Just like Bilbo Baggins, you don’t have to be anything but ordinary to help others. You don’t have to be Superman catching Louis Lane out of a skyscraper. You don’t have to be Batman beating up the Joker. You can just be a nice person. EXPLO makes you want to choose to do that every moment of every day.