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Jul 09, 2018 EXPLO Pre-College + Career

Meet Veronica from Pennsylvania

Nature photographer Veronica loves capturing images of plants and animals, so the Harriman State Park hiking trip was a top choice to explore with her new friends — and her camera.

Sige Zheng

Nature photographer Veronica loves capturing images of plants and animals, so the Harriman State Park hiking trip was a top choice to explore with her new friends — and her camera.

If I think of a place that I would like to live in in the future, it would probably be London, Maine, South Africa, or Alaska. Other than London, all the other places have different kinds of nature. I love nature a lot. I've been doing photography with my dad's camera for about three years. My favorite things to shoot are plants and animals. I've never gone on a wildlife trip to shoot photos of animals, but I think it would be fun. If I go on a trip for that, I would probably go to a forest in Maine — they have really good spots there.

During my free time, I love to read, sing, and dance. I love reading about mythology and fantasy. I'm taking Musical Theatre at EXPLO. We are doing a short mixed play from the 'Wizard of Oz' and 'Wicked.' I'm singing a semi-big role — I'm excited for it! My favorite part of musical theatre is being able to meet new people, and to be able to sing and dance and enjoy it. I love sharing similar interests with the people in the group.

Sige Zheng