Josh may have a few more years of high school left, but he's already thinking toward the future — and getting some college experience living on the EXPLO campus at Yale.
I went on the Brown University college tour; I enjoyed it a lot, especially the guided tour part and just walking around in town. I have never been to Brown before and it's one of the colleges I really like. I think it's a really good opportunity for EXPLO to give us this chance to go out to the university. I learned the differences that Brown has from other colleges, the system to choose majors, and the fraternity and sororities they have just seem really cool. And I like Brown even better now.
I look more into the academic side when looking at universities. I also look into the locations. I like schools that have old buildings, just like the buildings here at Yale. I'm looking for a peaceful place without much noise in the crazy part of the city.
The EXPLO courses I'm taking are more interactive than the high school classes I was taking. You also have more freedom, because in high school, you always focus on the grade, on getting an "A." But here you can have a lot more fun with the classes based on your interests because you don't need to focus on grade. I take classes here that I wouldn't take back home in high school.
Sige Zheng