Explo at Wellesley: A Letter to Her Parents

Written by Lisa Merlini | September 20, 2013

Students and families often send us emails and letters about how much they enjoyed their Explo summer. (We love these notes!) But we rarely get to see how students describe Explo to their parents. Ty, an Explo at Wellesley student, lifts the veil.

On the last night of her session, Ty took time away from hanging out with friends to write down her thoughts and emotions about her summer at Explo at Wellesley. The next day, she shared those thoughts with her parents in a letter. 

Her words so moved her parents that they decided to share the letter with us (with Ty's blessing) — and we are so glad they did! Yes, we could go on for pages about why this letter speaks to us so much — and will most definitely speak to students, parents, and staff in the wider Explo community. But instead, we're posting it here, unfiltered and unvarnished. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.