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Meet Ravin: Future Astrophysicist

Written by Jordan MacMillan | August 01, 2018

When it comes to pursuing his strengths and interests, Ravin is really shooting for the stars. This sixth grade math and science enthusiast (and future astrophysicist) has set his sights on a career at NASA.

I like learning and studying. Some of my favorite subjects to study are history, trigonometry, pre-calculus, and just overall mathematics and science. It’s like David McCullough — I like diving into new subjects that I haven’t learned much about, and I just like picking up new information on it. As far as something recent that I have enjoyed, I found out that I like kayaking. My first organized class was at EXPLO for an activity. I like going at different paces, and how at any time you can sit back and relax. Depending on the pace that you were going on before, the kayak can just keep moving you along.

I like mathematics because I just like solving problems. I do factorials, and I was just having a conversation about my least favorite and favorite mathematical symbols. My least favorite would probably be the irrational number symbol and my favorite would probably be sigma. I hope to combine my love of mathematics and science to become either a theoretical physicist or an astrophysicist at NASA. I know that it’s a bit young to decide interests and passions, but I’ve been looking into different programs that I can use my knowledge to possibly find a career doing something that I love. There’s a famous quote that goes, “if you do what you love, you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”

EXPLO has so many great options that you can choose from. There are so many different activities and courses that can broaden your insight on different topics. I thought that it was very hard to choose courses and activities because I liked them all! There are really just a variety that you can do. There are certainly quite a bit of science classes that can prepare me for my future as a possible astrophysicist. There are different topics at EXPLO that represent different branches of science, and as I learn more about these topics, I get to broaden my knowledge and insight. In Hovercraft Physics, I enjoyed learning about Bernoulli’s Principle, and I enjoyed applying different mathematical theorems and laws of motion and applying those to hovercrafts and seeing different branches of science that they could apply to.