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Meet Miguel from Venezuela

Written by Casey Kim | August 03, 2017

Fifteen-year-old Miguel came to EXPLO to explore his interest in computer programming and determine if it's the path he wants to pursue. What he discovered is that collaborative learning is far more engaging and effective than the independent method he is used to from school. 

I love to make things on the computer, so I came here to take Computer Programming. I am creating a brick-breaker game, learning how to make objects, how to make things move. It is really challenging; you need to understand and remember so many codes, but it’s really cool. I think I want to make computer games in the future, but I don’t know if I have what it takes. That’s why I came to EXPLO — to figure that out.

EXPLO is completely different from any other experience. Here you choose what you want to do, not have someone else deciding for you. And that’s how you actually learn. It’s not like school, where you have so much homework and studying on your own. Here it’s more interactive, your instructors are always helping you, and there’s so many activities so you can learn better and easier. I definitely learn more here in three weeks than in all of school. I wish school were more like EXPLO, where all the learning happens in class and during activities, not by yourself.