Are You a Hagrid, a Hermione, or a Dumbledore? Let Myers-Briggs Clue You In.

Written by Lisa Merlini | December 16, 2013

At your school or workplace, you might have a Draco, a Luna, a Ginny, and a Snape — but no Harry Potter. Using this infographic (and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator™ personality inventory), can you figure out who you are?

When you work or learn with both extroverts and introverts — whether you're more energized and creative when you work on projects alone (introverts) or prefer to brainstorm and problem-solve together (extroverts) — figuring out how to collaborate in a way that meets everyone’s needs and learning styles is essential.

So how do you do that and accomplish everything on your (collective) plate? By working smarter. For that, Myers-Briggs can help.

Find out more about how you best learn and work:
Delve into the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator™ personality inventory and check out the Harry Potter Myers-Briggs Infographic.

Not a test in the traditional sense (meaning there are no wrong or right answers), the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator™ personality inventory is laid out like a multiple choice questionnaire, and is a way to gauge where on the extroversion-introversion spectrum your personality lies. It's a way for each of us to better understand everyone's individual working style and personality traits, providing you with more insights on how best to collaborate (and eke out every ounce of innovation and creativity) to make everything you produce the best it can be.

(And if you find out in the process that you're the next Sirius Black, all the better.)