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Jul 18, 2016 Exploration Programs Conversation

Meet Joseph from Texas

Meet Joseph from Texas

Rae Keyser

Dedicated athelete Joseph is determined to work hard to ahieve his goals in the multiple sports he plays. At the same time, Joseph explains how he is curious to learn more about the current events taking place during his time here at Explo.

I’m taking Gender, Politics, and the Media, and Biomechanics of Sports. My workshops are Speed Training and Flag Football. I really love sports — I play football, basketball, and track — and I play them all within the same season. When track begins, it can sometimes collide with basketball, but I still make it work to do both. I love them all. My goal is to play at the collegiate level. I know it's a big goal, but I’m going to strive for it and work hard. If I could go pro — amazing! I’m going to sleep, eat, and work hard!

I thought with all the current events going on today, I should familiarize myself with Gender, Politics, and the Media. I just want to try something new. My hometown has a lot of diversity. The way the media portrays things is not always how things really are, so I am interested in seeing what that's like. I do feel like I could learn about things I could change — or at least form my own opinion on — without relying on the media or what other people tell me to believe, which isn’t true on all cases.

Rae Keyser