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Aug 08, 2015 Exploration Programs Conversation

Meet Quinn from New York

Quinn is an up-and-coming photographer and master of visual effects and 3D modeling. Pictured here, he is presenting his final photography project at Explo at ...

Jaryd Frankel

Quinn is an up-and-coming photographer and master of visual effects and 3D modeling. Pictured here, he is presenting his final photography project at Explo at Wellesley's gallery, Explosé. Although he's sad that this summer at Explo is coming to a close, he is energized to move to Explo at Yale next summer, where he hopes to take his photography to new heights and capture each and every moment.

"This is Explosé. It's a massive showcase of art — there's photography, drawing, architecture, and sculptures, and they're all really unique and amazing. For my submission, I decided to showcase a few pieces from my digital photography course, where we learned different styles of photography by studying different photographers and then taking shots based off of their styles.

I used my camera on a long shutter speed as the clock rang, and — after using photoshop — I got to show the clock like it was in motion.

"I think I'm most proud of this photo (pictured above). I used my camera on a long shutter speed as the clock rang, and — after using photoshop — I got to show the clock like it was in motion. Even though there's no way for a picture to be moving, it makes it look like it is. Every photo tells a story, and for this photo, I wanted the audience to realize that time passes so quickly, even though sometimes we feel frozen in the moment.

"I'd say my photo definitely reflects my time at Explo — it goes by really fast. I've learned to love every moment. I know so much more now about my camera and photography in general, plus I have all these cool photos that I'm able to take home. After finishing this summer, I'm planning to come back to Explo next year at Yale. I'm looking forward to all the new courses and new people that I'm going to get to meet. And I'm definitely looking forward to photographing everything there that I can."

Jaryd Frankel