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Jul 03, 2017 Exploration Programs Conversation Student Life

Meet Johnny from Texas

Johnny has lived in a lot of different places — including China, Mexico, France, Germany, Brazil, and the United States!

Fidelia Randmäe


Johnny is originally from China but throughout his life he has lived in a lot of different places — including Mexico, France, Germany, Brazil, and the United States!

I think this experience of living in different countries has taught me how to adapt to different cultures. It has made me a very open and social person, although I’m not very open right now because I’m going through puberty.

I hope that during my stay at EXPLO I will become an even more open person. I want to find out how open can I be. You can be open to a point where people would just think you’re crazy, or you can be open to the point that is just enough where people think you’re cute and awesome. I’ve already made a lot of friends here at EXPLO — Louis from Switzerland, Peter and Justin from Massachusetts, Steven and Charlie from Beijing. We are a pretty tight group. We play games together, we hang out together, we always eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together.

My favorite place where I’ve lived would be China because its very interesting. This is because China was the artisan of the world from the first century until to the 1800s. It was one of the few pioneering empires so it has a very rich culture that is filled with a lot of history. There are so many historical places that you can visit.

My dream is to become a biochemical engineer. While in Mexico, we would do a lot of experiments in our chemistry class using hydrochloric acid, aluminum dioxide, silver hydrate, etc. They were very safe experiments, but we would still use really sick coates, sick aprons, really sick goggles — all that protective gear was very awesome. I remember one experiment very distinctly where we would try to make laundry detergent using just plain water, oil, and a chemical acid. If I got my dream job I would work at a chemistry plant and I would improve medicines. I would also find a way to make trees adapt to different climates. There are a lot of trees that can only grow in one place, and my dream would be to experiment on them to find a way to make tropical plants grow someplace where it’s very cold.

Fidelia Randmäe