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Jul 06, 2016 Conversation

Meet Harry from Connecticut

Harry from Connecticut talks EXPLO and Computer Programming

Ally Marcino

Harry is currently participating in his seventh session of Explo. Read on to find out what keeps him coming back every summer and what's so different about this one.

Explo is my favorite thing to do all year and I really enjoy it. I’ve come back every year that I could. There are so many great people and so many great activities that I get introduced to here.

It’s an old arcade game. If this wasn’t an Explo program, I wouldn’t have even considered doing programming. But that’s how most of the courses are at Explo, just so fun and enlightening.

I really enjoy the Programming course. Before I took it I said I was going to switch out of it because I thought it would be boring but it’s now my favorite course. I think it’s so cool what you can do by just typing text, just how much you can create. It’s a really cool thing to do: to be able to think of something and know that there is a way to create it and try to create it.

I’m making this game right now that’s similar to this old game called Space Invaders or something like that. It’s an old arcade game. If this wasn’t an Explo program, I wouldn’t have even considered doing programming. But that’s how most of the courses are at Explo, just so fun and enlightening. So I figured I would try and I’ve ended up really enjoying it. When I get back home, I’m probably going to download Processing. I think I’m going to try to make cool arcade games and share them with people. I’d love to get other people introduced to coding and programming, too.

Ally Marcino